[FAQ]R.I.P. 的意思
發表於 : 週一 6月 20, 2011 5:00 pm
一直有在問R.I.P. 的意思,故發此帖置頂。
= Rest in peace
= Rest in paradise
= Requiescat in pace(latin)
= 安息
* Spanish: "Descanse En Paz" ("DEP")
* Italian: "Riposi in pace" ("RIP")
* French: "Repose En Paix" ("REP")
* German: "Ruhe in Frieden" ("RIF")
* Russian: "Да упокоится с миром" [Da upo'koitsʲa s 'mirom] (Hopefully, he will be rest in peace.); "Мир праху его" [Mir 'prahu ye'go] (Peace for his ashes.); "Покойся с миром" [Po'koysʲa s 'mirom] (May you rest in peace.)
= Rest in peace
= Rest in paradise
= Requiescat in pace(latin)
= 安息
* Spanish: "Descanse En Paz" ("DEP")
* Italian: "Riposi in pace" ("RIP")
* French: "Repose En Paix" ("REP")
* German: "Ruhe in Frieden" ("RIF")
* Russian: "Да упокоится с миром" [Da upo'koitsʲa s 'mirom] (Hopefully, he will be rest in peace.); "Мир праху его" [Mir 'prahu ye'go] (Peace for his ashes.); "Покойся с миром" [Po'koysʲa s 'mirom] (May you rest in peace.)