1. 會員註冊的時間以及當時使用的IP
2. 每一個會員發表每一篇文章的IP
3. 會員變更個人資料(包含帳號名稱、密碼以及電子郵件和群組)的時間及IP。
為證實站方所言不虛,我們也提供警方竹貓論壇(phpBB中文支援網站)關於會員登入及登出IP紀錄的相關討論歐伊斯特拉夫.黃 118.xxx.xx.xx 週日 3月 15, 2009 11:33 am 已改變會員的密碼
» 歐伊斯特拉夫.黃
遺憾的是當事人並不採信,而”堅信”論壇有會員登入及登出的時間跟IP紀錄。『抱歉! 這裡的會員記錄, 的確不包含使用者的 '每次登入登出的時刻';
除非他有執行密碼變更, 電子郵件變更, 或申請加入群組,... 等動作.
'登入' 時刻方面, 或許可以由 '會員列表' 搜尋得知, 關鍵在 '最後訪問'.
登出' 時刻方面, 個人以為, 意義不大.
另外, 由瀏覽文章的介面, 點選 '系統訊息' 圖示, 可以得知發文者的 IP 位址.』
http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1551445
I am using phpBB 3.0.4 without extra MODs.
As far as I know, phpBB does not log time and IP of member's every login and logout.
But one of my member insists that there is such log with phpBB and demands that I give him the log.
I know for sure there is no such log. To convince that member, could it be possible that any member of the administrative team clarifies this for me?
I really appreciate your kindness and help. Thank you in advance.
註:stevemaury為 phpBB Support Team Member.stevemaury 寫:phpbb does not log this. You can extract from the database each IP a user has used, the ip and time of their registration, and the time of their last visit. It also logs certain user actions, such as changing username and/or password.
Your web access log would should all access, but very difficult to correlate with users.
In any event, what is the basis for this "demand"? I would tell him that even if there were such logs, you would not make them available.