(林仲明醫師 43歲 家醫科)詐領健保約談含怨自殺
版主: lupin
- Angel
- 文章: 20167
- 註冊時間: 週六 7月 08, 2006 8:45 pm
Re: 詐領健保費被約談 醫師怨被陷害自殺
健保給付及醫院敍薪制度,讓部份醫師認為多開藥多做檢查處置,自己的 薪水便可以增加。忽略了對病患真正有益的治療。
- Intern
- 文章: 13
- 註冊時間: 週四 8月 07, 2008 3:39 pm
- R3
- 文章: 348
- 註冊時間: 週三 8月 13, 2008 3:07 pm
- 來自: 貓仔頭之國
Re: 詐領健保費被約談 醫師怨被陷害自殺
- 副院長級
- 文章: 12435
- 註冊時間: 週六 7月 08, 2006 9:27 pm
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 77
- 註冊時間: 週四 2月 21, 2008 3:17 pm
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
詐領健保花招多 幫遊民開刀安排老人住院
中廣新聞網╱徐韻翔 2008-08-20 13:03
詐領健保花招多 幫遊民開刀安排老人住院
中廣新聞網╱徐韻翔 2008-08-20 13:03
- jesuischinoise
- 主任秘書
- 文章: 10599
- 註冊時間: 週三 8月 20, 2008 11:01 am
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
常常喜樂 不住禱告 凡事謝恩
- V4
- 文章: 4240
- 註冊時間: 週一 4月 28, 2008 9:11 pm
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
不管醫院或診所MK 寫:醫x會:醫師終於承認自己有在A健保了...
健保費率太低總而太少 (窮)
- Intern
- 文章: 11
- 註冊時間: 週日 8月 17, 2008 10:55 am
- V1
- 文章: 1729
- 註冊時間: 週五 6月 15, 2007 10:56 am
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
是A到同儕沒錯kcfc 寫:不管醫院或診所MK 寫:醫x會:醫師終於承認自己有在A健保了...
健保費率太低總而太少 (窮)
- 院長級
- 文章: 28839
- 註冊時間: 週五 6月 23, 2006 6:18 pm
- 來自: 黑心島國
- V1
- 文章: 1219
- 註冊時間: 週五 9月 01, 2006 12:34 am
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
jesuischinoise 寫:超過七成診所每天看診量在卅人以下<--我也是,可是我不會A健保
- V1
- 文章: 1219
- 註冊時間: 週五 9月 01, 2006 12:34 am
Re: 疑詐領健保費/醫師燒炭亡 控制度謀殺
現在選醫學系的考生,要好好想想,以後一個月領幾萬元生活,不要抱怨,也不要因為想多幾萬收入而挺而走險,醫師是高風險低利的行業.開藥無法自主,給付要打折,少子化沒病人看.這種行業會有前景嗎. (親一個)
- V1
- 文章: 1219
- 註冊時間: 週五 9月 01, 2006 12:34 am
Re: 疑詐領健保費/醫師燒炭亡 控制度謀殺
現在選醫學系的考生,要好好想想,以後一個月領幾萬元生活,不要抱怨,也不要因為想多幾萬收入而挺而走險,醫師是高風險低利的行業.開藥無法自主,給付要打折,少子化沒病人看.這種行業會有前景嗎. (無盡漩渦)
Re: 疑詐領健保費/醫師燒炭亡 控制度謀殺
(無盡漩渦) (無盡漩渦) (窮)COLIN 寫:現在選醫學系的考生,要好好想想,以後一個月領幾萬元生活,不要抱怨,也不要因為想多幾萬收入而挺而走險,醫師是高風險低利的行業.開藥無法自主,給付要打折,少子化沒病人看.這種行業會有前景嗎. (無盡漩渦)
人生苦短 要督趁早 我督故我在
真愛 無私 善良 寬恕 信心 希望
善待身邊的人 找到生命的意義
活在當下 開心面對未來的每一刻
瑞莎的瑞星韻律體操協會 https://risingstar-rg.tw/
歡迎大家捐款支持 (眼汪汪) (眼汪汪)
人生苦短 要督趁早 我督故我在
真愛 無私 善良 寬恕 信心 希望
善待身邊的人 找到生命的意義
活在當下 開心面對未來的每一刻
瑞莎的瑞星韻律體操協會 https://risingstar-rg.tw/
歡迎大家捐款支持 (眼汪汪) (眼汪汪)
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
整件事情等到現在, 只有新竹市醫師公會理事長經由媒體說的如此一番話, 真令人心寒.
新竹縣 林 X X 退會 : 死亡
新竹縣 林 X X 退會 : 死亡
- Intern
- 文章: 45
- 註冊時間: 週四 8月 14, 2008 12:17 pm
- Intern
- 文章: 45
- 註冊時間: 週四 8月 14, 2008 12:17 pm
Re: 詐領健保費被約談 醫師怨被陷害自殺
+1 附議forester 寫:公會
- Intern
- 文章: 45
- 註冊時間: 週四 8月 14, 2008 12:17 pm
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
商人經營的醫療院所真的很厲害 我這輩子怎麼也學不會 ~~~~過路人 寫:好快的反應;
詐領健保花招多 幫遊民開刀安排老人住院
中廣新聞網╱徐韻翔 2008-08-20 13:03
- Ali-aa
- V1
- 文章: 1061
- 註冊時間: 週三 11月 08, 2006 10:30 am
- 來自: HON
Re: 詐領健保費被約談 醫師怨被陷害自殺
漸飽正在下拉台灣醫療生態, 浩劫將至, 黎明前必然黑暗, 更期待光明的到來.
黎明之前必定黑暗 (壓力) (壓力)
黎明之前必定黑暗 (壓力) (壓力)
無 浴 擇 缸
無 玉 擇 鋼
無 慾 則 鋼
無 玉 擇 鋼
無 慾 則 鋼
- Ali-aa
- V1
- 文章: 1061
- 註冊時間: 週三 11月 08, 2006 10:30 am
- 來自: HON
- V1
- 文章: 1219
- 註冊時間: 週五 9月 01, 2006 12:34 am
Re: 詐領健保費被約談 醫師怨被陷害自殺
什麼光? (親一個)
Ali-aa 寫: 漸飽正在下拉台灣醫療生態, 浩劫將至, 黎明前必然黑暗, 更期待光明的到來.
黎明之前必定黑暗 (壓力) (壓力)
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1
- 註冊時間: 週三 8月 20, 2008 8:31 pm
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
所以 當局的反應才是快、狠、準!過路人 寫:好快的反應;
詐領健保花招多 幫遊民開刀安排老人住院
...(刪)中央健保局表示,今年上半年共查出國內有300多家醫院診所申報異常...,過去至今,不實申報的花招,從幫遊民開刀、住院天數灌水到安排安養院老人輪流住院都有,就是為了能夠多賺取一些健保申報給付費用。(徐韻翔報導).... (刪)
一個醫師自殺死亡之後;廣大人民 都可以心領神會:詐領健保花招才是萬惡之源啊 !
局 vs 公會 或 全聯會 K.O. out!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 280
- 註冊時間: 週三 1月 17, 2007 9:32 pm
爭健保配額 逼醫師違法
據衛生局人員指出,自健保局採「醫院自主管理」制度後,醫療院所都會分配到固定的健保額度,許多私人醫院常以控制薪水等方法給予醫師看診人數壓力,要求他們達到健保分配額度;看診人數較少的醫師,壓力尤大。 (窮)
據衛生局人員指出,自健保局採「醫院自主管理」制度後,醫療院所都會分配到固定的健保額度,許多私人醫院常以控制薪水等方法給予醫師看診人數壓力,要求他們達到健保分配額度;看診人數較少的醫師,壓力尤大。 (窮)
世事如棋 乾坤莫測 笑盡英雄
- 部長級
- 文章: 7012
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm
Re: 醫師公會:不漲價 A健保難消失
Civil disobedience
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Civil disobedience (disambiguation).
Rosa Parks in 1955. She became famous for refusing to obey racist regulations. Her individual action of civil disobedience started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which is one of the largest movements against racial segregation. In addition, this launched Martin Luther King, Jr., who was involved with the boycott, to prominence in the civil rights movement.Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary tactics of nonviolent resistance. In its most nonviolent form (known as ahimsa or satyagraha) it could be said that it is compassion in the form of respectful disagreement.
Civil disobedience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against unfair laws. It has been used in many well-documented nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's social welfare campaigns and campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, Jehovah's Witnesses' stand against the Nazis (1929-1945), and in peace movements worldwide. One of its earliest massive implementations was by Egyptians against the British occupation in the nonviolent 1919 Revolution.
The American author Henry David Thoreau pioneered the modern theory behind this practice in his 1849 essay Civil Disobedience, originally titled "Resistance to Civil Government". The driving idea behind the essay was that of self-reliance, and how one is in morally good standing as long as one can "get off another man's back"; so one does not have to physically fight the government, but one must not support it or have it support one (if one is against it). This essay has had a wide influence on many later practitioners of civil disobedience. In the essay, Thoreau explained his reasons for having refused to pay taxes as an act of protest against slavery and against the Mexican-American War.
Contents [hide]
1 Early uses of the term
2 Theories and techniques
3 Examples
3.1 India (Indians)
3.2 South Africa (Africans of Color)
3.3 United States
3.4 Religious examples
4 See also
5 External links
[edit] Early uses of the term
Thoreau did not coin the term "civil disobedience". However, after his landmark 1848 lectures were published in 1849, the term "civil disobedience" began to appear in numerous sermons and lectures relating to slavery in the United States. Early examples of these include:
The Gospel Applied to the Fugitive Slave Law [1850]: A Sermon, by Oliver Stearns (1851);
"The Higher Law," in Its Application to the Fugitive Slave Bill:... by John Newell and John Chase Lord (1851);
The Limits of Civil Disobedience: A Sermon..., by Nathaniel Hall (1851);
The Duty and Limitations of Civil Disobedience: A Discourse, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett (1853).
Thus, by the time Thoreau's lectures were first published under the title "Civil Disobedience," in 1866, four years after his death, the term had achieved fairly widespread usage.
[edit] Theories and techniques
aswin r
Anti-war activist Midge Potts is arrested for civil disobedience on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States on 9 February 2005.In seeking an active form of civil disobedience, one may choose to deliberately break certain laws, such as by forming a peaceful blockade or occupying a facility illegally. Protesters practice this non-violent form of civil disorder with the expectation that they will be arrested, or even attacked or beaten by the authorities. Protesters often undergo training in advance on how to react to arrest or to attack, so that they will do so in a manner that quietly or limply resists without threatening the authorities.
For example, Mahatma Gandhi outlined the following rules, in the time when he was leading India in the struggle for Independence from the British Empire:
A civil resister (or satyagrahi) will harbour no anger.
He will suffer the anger of the opponent.
In so doing he will put up with assaults from the opponent, never retaliate; but he will not submit, out of fear of punishment or the like, to any order given in anger.
When any person in authority seeks to arrest a civil resister, he will voluntarily submit to the arrest, and he will not resist the attachment or removal of his own property, if any, when it is sought to be confiscated by authorities.
If a civil resister has any property in his possession as a trustee, he will refuse to surrender it, even though in defending it he might lose his life. He will, however, never retaliate.
Retaliation includes swearing and cursing.
Therefore a civil resister will never insult his opponent, and therefore also not take part in many of the newly coined cries which are contrary to the spirit of ahimsa.
A civil resister will not salute the Union Flag, nor will he insult it or officials, English or Indian.
In the course of the struggle if anyone insults an official or commits an assault upon him, a civil resister will protect such official or officials from the insult or attack even at the risk of his life.
[edit] Examples
Disregarding the instructions of the police a crowd is jamming a street in Leipzig to prevent neonazis from marching through town.
[edit] India (Indians)
Civil disobedience has served as a major tactic of nationalist movements in former colonies in Africa and Asia prior to their gaining independence. Most notably Mahatma Gandhi developed civil disobedience as an anti-colonialist tool. Gandhi stated "Civil disobedience is the inherent right of a citizen to be civil, implies discipline, thought, care, attention and sacrifice". Gandhi learned of civil disobedience from Thoreau's classic essay, which he incorporated into his non-violent Satyagraha philosophy. Gandhi's work in South Africa and in the Indian independence movement was the first successful application of civil disobedience on a large scale.
[edit] South Africa (Africans of Color)
This famous movement was started by Nelson Mandela. Mandela, along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Steve Biko advocated civil disobedience. The result can be seen in such notable events as the 1989 Purple Rain Protest, and the Cape Town Peace March which defied apartheid.
[edit] United States
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and young activists in the American civil rights movement of the 1960s also adopted civil disobedience techniques, and antiwar activists both during and after the Vietnam War have done likewise. Since the 1970s, pro-life or anti-abortion groups have practiced civil disobedience against the U.S. government over the issue of legalized abortion. They have also murdered abortion doctors and fire-bombed abortion clinics.
[edit] Religious examples
Many who practice civil disobedience do so out of religious faith, and clergy often participate in or lead actions of civil disobedience. A notable example is Philip Berrigan, a one-time Roman Catholic priest who was arrested dozens of times in acts of civil disobedience in antiwar protests. Also, groups like Soulforce, who favor non-discrimination and equal rights for gays and lesbians, have engaged in acts of civil disobedience to change church positions and public policy. "Operation Rescue" was an ecumenical Christian movement exercising civil disobedience to peacefully block access to abortion clinics.
[edit] See also
Committee of 100 (United Kingdom)
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
Mohandas Gandhi
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Rosa Parks, "mother of the civil rights movement"
Dalai Lama
Abalone Alliance and Clamshell Alliance, anti-nuclear power groups
Christian anarchism
Conscientious objection
Direct action
Draft resistance
Holocaust rescuers
Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, French town
Hunt sabotage
Nonviolent resistance
Rachel Corrie
Sousveillance, passive campaign against surveillance
Tax resistance
Tree sitting
Trident Ploughshares, anti-nuclear weapons group
Defiance Campaign, anti-apartheid campaign in South Africa.
[edit] External links
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Civil disobedience (disambiguation).
Rosa Parks in 1955. She became famous for refusing to obey racist regulations. Her individual action of civil disobedience started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which is one of the largest movements against racial segregation. In addition, this launched Martin Luther King, Jr., who was involved with the boycott, to prominence in the civil rights movement.Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary tactics of nonviolent resistance. In its most nonviolent form (known as ahimsa or satyagraha) it could be said that it is compassion in the form of respectful disagreement.
Civil disobedience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against unfair laws. It has been used in many well-documented nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's social welfare campaigns and campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, Jehovah's Witnesses' stand against the Nazis (1929-1945), and in peace movements worldwide. One of its earliest massive implementations was by Egyptians against the British occupation in the nonviolent 1919 Revolution.
The American author Henry David Thoreau pioneered the modern theory behind this practice in his 1849 essay Civil Disobedience, originally titled "Resistance to Civil Government". The driving idea behind the essay was that of self-reliance, and how one is in morally good standing as long as one can "get off another man's back"; so one does not have to physically fight the government, but one must not support it or have it support one (if one is against it). This essay has had a wide influence on many later practitioners of civil disobedience. In the essay, Thoreau explained his reasons for having refused to pay taxes as an act of protest against slavery and against the Mexican-American War.
Contents [hide]
1 Early uses of the term
2 Theories and techniques
3 Examples
3.1 India (Indians)
3.2 South Africa (Africans of Color)
3.3 United States
3.4 Religious examples
4 See also
5 External links
[edit] Early uses of the term
Thoreau did not coin the term "civil disobedience". However, after his landmark 1848 lectures were published in 1849, the term "civil disobedience" began to appear in numerous sermons and lectures relating to slavery in the United States. Early examples of these include:
The Gospel Applied to the Fugitive Slave Law [1850]: A Sermon, by Oliver Stearns (1851);
"The Higher Law," in Its Application to the Fugitive Slave Bill:... by John Newell and John Chase Lord (1851);
The Limits of Civil Disobedience: A Sermon..., by Nathaniel Hall (1851);
The Duty and Limitations of Civil Disobedience: A Discourse, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett (1853).
Thus, by the time Thoreau's lectures were first published under the title "Civil Disobedience," in 1866, four years after his death, the term had achieved fairly widespread usage.
[edit] Theories and techniques
aswin r
Anti-war activist Midge Potts is arrested for civil disobedience on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States on 9 February 2005.In seeking an active form of civil disobedience, one may choose to deliberately break certain laws, such as by forming a peaceful blockade or occupying a facility illegally. Protesters practice this non-violent form of civil disorder with the expectation that they will be arrested, or even attacked or beaten by the authorities. Protesters often undergo training in advance on how to react to arrest or to attack, so that they will do so in a manner that quietly or limply resists without threatening the authorities.
For example, Mahatma Gandhi outlined the following rules, in the time when he was leading India in the struggle for Independence from the British Empire:
A civil resister (or satyagrahi) will harbour no anger.
He will suffer the anger of the opponent.
In so doing he will put up with assaults from the opponent, never retaliate; but he will not submit, out of fear of punishment or the like, to any order given in anger.
When any person in authority seeks to arrest a civil resister, he will voluntarily submit to the arrest, and he will not resist the attachment or removal of his own property, if any, when it is sought to be confiscated by authorities.
If a civil resister has any property in his possession as a trustee, he will refuse to surrender it, even though in defending it he might lose his life. He will, however, never retaliate.
Retaliation includes swearing and cursing.
Therefore a civil resister will never insult his opponent, and therefore also not take part in many of the newly coined cries which are contrary to the spirit of ahimsa.
A civil resister will not salute the Union Flag, nor will he insult it or officials, English or Indian.
In the course of the struggle if anyone insults an official or commits an assault upon him, a civil resister will protect such official or officials from the insult or attack even at the risk of his life.
[edit] Examples
Disregarding the instructions of the police a crowd is jamming a street in Leipzig to prevent neonazis from marching through town.
[edit] India (Indians)
Civil disobedience has served as a major tactic of nationalist movements in former colonies in Africa and Asia prior to their gaining independence. Most notably Mahatma Gandhi developed civil disobedience as an anti-colonialist tool. Gandhi stated "Civil disobedience is the inherent right of a citizen to be civil, implies discipline, thought, care, attention and sacrifice". Gandhi learned of civil disobedience from Thoreau's classic essay, which he incorporated into his non-violent Satyagraha philosophy. Gandhi's work in South Africa and in the Indian independence movement was the first successful application of civil disobedience on a large scale.
[edit] South Africa (Africans of Color)
This famous movement was started by Nelson Mandela. Mandela, along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Steve Biko advocated civil disobedience. The result can be seen in such notable events as the 1989 Purple Rain Protest, and the Cape Town Peace March which defied apartheid.
[edit] United States
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and young activists in the American civil rights movement of the 1960s also adopted civil disobedience techniques, and antiwar activists both during and after the Vietnam War have done likewise. Since the 1970s, pro-life or anti-abortion groups have practiced civil disobedience against the U.S. government over the issue of legalized abortion. They have also murdered abortion doctors and fire-bombed abortion clinics.
[edit] Religious examples
Many who practice civil disobedience do so out of religious faith, and clergy often participate in or lead actions of civil disobedience. A notable example is Philip Berrigan, a one-time Roman Catholic priest who was arrested dozens of times in acts of civil disobedience in antiwar protests. Also, groups like Soulforce, who favor non-discrimination and equal rights for gays and lesbians, have engaged in acts of civil disobedience to change church positions and public policy. "Operation Rescue" was an ecumenical Christian movement exercising civil disobedience to peacefully block access to abortion clinics.
[edit] See also
Committee of 100 (United Kingdom)
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
Mohandas Gandhi
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Rosa Parks, "mother of the civil rights movement"
Dalai Lama
Abalone Alliance and Clamshell Alliance, anti-nuclear power groups
Christian anarchism
Conscientious objection
Direct action
Draft resistance
Holocaust rescuers
Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, French town
Hunt sabotage
Nonviolent resistance
Rachel Corrie
Sousveillance, passive campaign against surveillance
Tax resistance
Tree sitting
Trident Ploughshares, anti-nuclear weapons group
Defiance Campaign, anti-apartheid campaign in South Africa.
[edit] External links
- CR
- 文章: 950
- 註冊時間: 週六 6月 07, 2008 10:54 pm
- 部長級
- 文章: 7012
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm