什麼是 深諳人性但考試能力較差的學生
作者: toosp (terseness) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [新聞] 波蘭醫學生遭污名化 台灣留學生忿忿不平
時間: Sat Jul 25 00:47:07 2009
http://www.valuemd.com/polish-medical-s ... hools.html
-USMLE prep classes/teaching
-Cali approval
-Graduation rate
-4th year in the states
-generaly held in high regrard
grad rates - let me say this, our class started with about 77 people now
theres 65-68 people. not bad. lol but take under the consideration that
NOBODY fails out. you literally have to be a brain dead zombie who cant read
to fail out of this school. people either leave for personal reasons or they
are moved to the 6-year MD program which is easier (
basically undergrad 6
year party experience). if you fail an exam, any exam, even a final NBME, the
department will give you a retake (much easier than the NBME) after retake
until you pass. it has nothing to do with the school being bad, just stupid
people. they give you all the necessary info and opportunity, but thats all.
if you dont study and fail, they will take your money and keep giving you
tests lol. (who cares, you wont be a retarded doctor in their country right?
plus odds are those ppl wont ever pass boards so they wont have a chance to
hurt a patient)
讓我來告訴你,我們班開班77人,現在還有65-68人,還不錯. 哈哈,但是那是因為
即使是最後的NBME,學校會讓你一直不斷重考直到你過. 我不是說學校不好而是
說那一群蠢蛋. 你不唸書學校也只是收錢一直讓你考.(他們哪在乎阿, 反正就算
你是智障醫生也不會再波蘭行醫是吧? 加上那群人也無法通過鑑定考,所以他們
Transfer from Ireland after failing the 4th year
→ abyssalpoet:反正就算是智障醫生也是回來臺灣行醫是吧? 07/25 00:49
推 mmzznnxxbbcc:美國人也知道 但他們也無法避免阿 07/25 00:49
噓 AWNESS:考試院專門收這些智障的 07/25 00:49
→ abyssalpoet:拜託波蘭台生們 你們總該拿出一些東西證明自己了吧? 07/25 00:49
推 hist6318:這篇要讓更多人看到,推 07/25 00:50
推 fafanno:美國哪會怕 波波根本過不了他們的考試... 07/25 00:50
推 makakatw:美國人都懂 只有部分台灣人還不懂... 07/25 00:50
→ donnamonya:聽起來好像啟智班怎麼會這樣 囧 比我想像的還要誇張 07/25 00:50
→ abyssalpoet:不要每次都是別人找到證據自己不澄清就說是污蔑! 07/25 00:50
推 yangkyo:說那一群蠢蛋. 你不唸書學校也只是收錢一直讓你考 中肯! 07/25 00:50
推 jdklas: 拜託波蘭台生們 你們只要醫高官跟罪犯就好 好不好 07/25 00:50
推 tsubasawolfy:have to be a brain dead zombieXDD 07/25 00:51
推 voon:一直重考,感覺好像是季後賽 07/25 00:51
推 richardc277:波波:你們不了解我在異鄉求學的辛苦 07/25 00:51
推 donnamonya:波波:我們同樣的試卷都要寫好幾次才行 非常辛苦 07/25 00:52
推 fafanno:波波:每天都要想怎麼花錢很痛苦耶 07/25 00:52
推 yukiko:brain dead zombie who cant read ....好猛的形容 XD 07/25 01:42
→ yukiko:問當醫生的親戚看法:他認為可能popo一知半解 才那麼敢亂醫 07/25 01:45
推 Yenchin:"basically undergrad 6 year party experience"... 07/25 02:29
→ Yenchin:台台真可憐...人家都嘛是六年制跑趴經驗 07/25 02:29
推 popping:簽名檔讓我想到嘉義某醫師,小孩原本唸個鳥高職,波蘭唸完 07/25 05:45
→ popping:回國後考了5..6次國考都考不上,在醫院當萬年R,波爸還很 07/25 05:46
→ popping:自傲跟別人炫耀說他小孩在醫院當醫師比一般在外面工作好.. 07/25 05:47