Results of a randomized controlled clinical trial showed that BD patients who received an adjunctive combination neutraceutical treatment that included the anti-inflammatory amino acid N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and who ate a higher-quality rather than a lower-quality diet had better outcomes.
A high-quality diet was one that included an abundance of fruits and vegetables, whereas poorer-quality diets included more saturated fat, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol.
The aim of the research was to assess whether diet quality, dietary inflammatory index, and BMI predict treatment response. The trial included 133 BD patients who were randomly assigned to receive placebo, NAC alone, or a combination of mitochondrial activity–enhancing agents.
The combination treatment consisted of NAC, acetyl L-carnitine, ubiquinone, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, alpha-tocopherol, cholecalciferol, retinyl palmitate, calcium ascorbate dehydrate, and vitamin B cofactors.
These cofactors included thiamine hydrochloride, nicotinamide, riboflavin, calcium panothenate, pyroxidine hydrochloride, biotin, folic acid, and cyanocabalamin.
BMI was measured at baseline. The patients were assessed every 4 weeks during the 16-week treatment period and again at a post-discontinuation visit at week 20.
Diet quality was determined by converting Food Frequency Questionnaire scores into an Australian Recommended Food Score and Energy-adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index.
High-Quality Diet Linked to Better Outcomes in Bipolar Disor
版主: 版主006
- Intern
- 文章: 20
- 註冊時間: 週六 10月 06, 2018 8:53 pm
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